Education Search Service (ESS)

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) does not offer initial education and training to become a coach (we only offer professional development for practiced coaches). As the accrediting body for coach-specific education and accredited providers, we cannot recommend any specific coaching education organizations.

To ensure quality education, ICF accredits coaching education organizations that meet the high standards set forth by ICF and ICF Coaching Education. To find ICF-Accredited Providers we suggest that you use our Education Search Service (ESS) below. The search for a coach education program is a highly individual process that depends greatly on your personal preferences and goals. The ESS is designed to give you basic information about all ICF-Accredited Education Providers.


For further information, please contact this training organization rather than the ICF office. The ICF recommends all approved programs equally and cannot recommend one program over another.

Organization Name: BluCoaching
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Program Name: MAPSĀ³
Program Type: Expired
Program Hours: Core: 28 Resource Development: 12 Total: 40
Organization Description: Blucoaching promotes the self-awareness and well-being of individuals and teams through experiential learning and systemic coaching. Blucoaching is based in Rome, Italy and led by Massimiliano Sparro, PhD in Behavioral Neuroscience, ICF Coach and Psychologist. Blucoaching integrates the latest knowledge from Neuroscience and Positive Psychology to offer structured trainings not only for coaches and professionals but also for whom want to achieve the best from their own resources integrating different levels of consciousness, as physical, mental, emotional and transpersonal levels. The organization provides coaching supervision and trainings for coaches, managers and executives. Blucoaching also provides services to support professionals involved into the well-being of people as doctors, psychologists, nutritionists etc..
Program Description: MApS³ how to discover your path to your inner treasure and reaching your GOAL easier.
MApS³ is a systemic multi-level training based on coaching methodology that aims the participants to discover their sources of motivation and their own cognitive and neurophysiological strategies to reach a GOAL.
The course is divided in 4 (four) parts of 10 (ten) hours each. Every part highlights specific categories underlying the perceived challenges that a coachee (or in general a person) could experience when desires to achieve a goal. Each parts, fundamentally, train 5 (five) main ICF coaching skills Creating Awareness, Active Listening, Powerful Questioning, Designing and Planning Goal, Managing Progress, working on different dimensions: Motivation, Attention, Physical Aspects, Self-Control/Awareness/Monitoring. 
The participants will learn:
- The physical and neuropsychological elements that influence Motivation;
- The types of Attention and their different purposes for human needs;
- The different human physical typologies and their influence on behaviors and psychological attitudes;
- The elements that impact on self-control and the interactions among selfawareness and self-monitoring and motivation, physical body and attention. 
The participants will achieve:
- Techniques that enhance and consolidate Motivation;
- Techniques to shift the focus of Attention;
- A method to recognize human physical typology to understand their personal challenges and strengths;
- Strategies to enhance self-control and self-monitoring.
The course at the same time is a course of personal development and a methodology to coach the clients. The participants will receive feedbacks in every session. At the end of every module there will be a moment of integration of the knowledge/techniques learned.
Organization: BluCoaching
Via Andrea Solario 87
00142 Rome
Phone: +39 346 0098492
Student Contact: Dr. Massimiliano Sparro
Phone: +39 346 0098492
Learning Method: Virtual,In-Person
Language: English, Italian
Coaching Specialties: Business/Organizations, Coaching Other Coaches, Executive, Health & Fitness, Personal/Organizational, Relationship, Spirituality
Approval Start Date: April 1, 2023 Accreditation Renewal Date: June 30, 2024
Locations: Italy