Education Search Service (ESS)

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) does not offer initial education and training to become a coach (we only offer professional development for practiced coaches). As the accrediting body for coach-specific education and accredited providers, we cannot recommend any specific coaching education organizations.

To ensure quality education, ICF accredits coaching education organizations that meet the high standards set forth by ICF and ICF Coaching Education. To find ICF-Accredited Providers we suggest that you use our Education Search Service (ESS) below. The search for a coach education program is a highly individual process that depends greatly on your personal preferences and goals. The ESS is designed to give you basic information about all ICF-Accredited Education Providers.


For further information, please contact this training organization rather than the ICF office. The ICF recommends all approved programs equally and cannot recommend one program over another.

Organization Name: WinnerTeam
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Program Name: Voice Dialogue Training
Program Type: CCE
Program Hours: Core: 22 Resource Development: 8 Total: 30
Organization Description:
WinnerTeam - Voice Dialogue School of Counseling and Coaching
La Scuola si articola su tre livelli, dove teoria ed esperienza si intrecciano in modo innovativo.
E' possibile iscriversi ad ogni singolo anno e ogni livello offre una serie di strumenti, tecniche e abilità che andranno ad accrescere una migliore conoscenza e consapevolezza di sè e a costituire, per chi sceglierà di intraprendere tutto il percorso formativo, una professionalità spendibile in molti ambiti. Ogni livello ha una certificazione che specifica le abilità raggiunte.
Il percorso completo, quindi triennale, proposto da WinnerTeam  riconosce il diploma di Counselor Relazionale a indirizzo Voice Dialogue.
Con più di 35 anni di esperienza, la Scuola propone come modello di riferimento la Dinamica dei Sé degli psicoterapeuti americani Hal e Sidra Stone, una caratteristica del metodo è l’approccio fortemente esperienziale che lavora contemporaneamente a livello:
 •energetico/non verbale
La tridimensionalità del metodo accelera il processo di crescita personale e facilita l’assimilazione degli elementi verbali da parte dei destinatari, stimolandone l’ascolto e il coinvolgimento con la gradualità definita dal rispetto dei tempi personali.
Program Description: DAY 1
Voice Dialogue: origin and theorethical principles (Psycology of  Selves), origin and function of Primary Selves and  Disowned Selves origin and function of Selves.
How to enable the client to recognize Primary and Disowned Selves.
Theory: Aware Ego process and VD Consciousness Model.
Written Exercise (Core Quadrant): How to train the client to recognize Primary and Disowned Selves qualities and limits.
Theory: how to work with VD principles in individual client sessions.
DEMO session by trainer followed by guided discussion on which competencies have been used. identify the turning points of the session, raising awareness on what worked, focus on competencies used.
Interactive experiments and VD sessions between participants followed by discussion.
Introduction to BodyMindDialogue. Body work: how to train the client to feel the body and recognize Selves through the Body experience.
Introduction to Energetics
Exercises: how to train the client to tune his/her own energetic field.
Discussion following experience.
Theory Reprise. Introduction to the InnerCritic.
Exercise: how to enable the client to recognize this is a Self.
Body work: how to train the client to feel the body and recognize Selves through the body experience.
Introduction to the creative use of the judgement.
How facilitate the client to recognize Selves through the judgement.
Interactive experiments and VD sessions between participants followed by discussion.
Theoretical reprise of VD principles and techniques.
Supervision: VD coaching session lead by participants with supervision
Theory Reprise. Introduction to the InnerCritic, Personal and impersonal Energy.
Supervision: VD coaching session lead by participants with supervision
DEMO session by trainer followed by guided discussion on which competencies have been used. identify the turning points of the session, raising awareness on what worked, focus on competencies used.
Interactive experiments and VD sessions between participants, followed by discussion.
DEMO session by trainer followed by guided discussion on which competencies have been used. identify the turning points of the session, raising awareness on what worked, focus on competencies used.
Supervision: VD coaching session lead by participants with supervision.
Synthesis on techniques and instruments learnt, in relation to the initial goal sharing
Feedback and final check out.
Organization: WinnerTeam
Via San Gervasio 6
40121 Bologna
Phone: +0039 338 7556733
Student Contact: Paola Poluzzi
Phone: 0039 338 7556733
Learning Method: In-Person
Language: Italian
Coaching Specialties: Career/Transition, Coaching Other Coaches, Health & Fitness, Life Vision & Enhancement, Personal/Organizational, Relationship, Spirituality
Approval Start Date: April 1, 2022 Accreditation Renewal Date: November 30, 2025
Locations: Italy