Education Search Service (ESS)

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) does not offer initial education and training to become a coach (we only offer professional development for practiced coaches). As the accrediting body for coach-specific education and accredited providers, we cannot recommend any specific coaching education organizations.

To ensure quality education, ICF accredits coaching education organizations that meet the high standards set forth by ICF and ICF Coaching Education. To find ICF-Accredited Providers we suggest that you use our Education Search Service (ESS) below. The search for a coach education program is a highly individual process that depends greatly on your personal preferences and goals. The ESS is designed to give you basic information about all ICF-Accredited Education Providers.


For further information, please contact this training organization rather than the ICF office. The ICF recommends all approved programs equally and cannot recommend one program over another.

Organization Name: Efficient Language Coaching SL
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Program Name: Neurolanguage Coaching in Action - Focus on Ongoing sessions
Program Type: CCE
Program Hours: Core: 12 Resource Development: 3 Total: 15
Organization Description: ELC SL is a training organisation focused on bringing coaching together with neuroscience to language teachers through Neurolanguage Coaching or to teachers of any discipine through Neuroheart Educational Coaching. The training courses are delivered worldwide and in various languages. In addition, ELC SL offers language and life coaching services to corporates and private clients worldwide. The focus is on how we can change education and the learning process, enhancing it by using coaching and sciences relating to the brain.
Program Description: This course is designed for Neurolanguage coaches who have completed the ELC language coaching certification course and expands on what happens after the initial session with a coachee. The focus is on the personalised roadmap design and then the ongoing sessions in action. Exploring the PACT PQC coaching model further for both mechanical and mastery goals as well as deepening the coaching skills pertaining to delivering and performing the actions. This is a hands-on practical course to implement the coaching conversations into ongoing sessions, giving the necessary structure and framework while maintaining coaching presence and flexibility.
Organization: Efficient Language Coaching SL
Apartado de correos 29 la selva del camp
43470 tarragona
Phone: 00447561427701
Student Contact: Ms. Rachel Marie Paling, PCC,MA x 3, BA Hons Creator Neurolanguage Coaching
Phone: 00447561427701
Learning Method: Virtual
Language: Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovakian, Spanish
Coaching Specialties: Creativity, Other
Approval Start Date: November 1, 2021 Accreditation Renewal Date: January 31, 2026