Education Search Service (ESS)

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) does not offer initial education and training to become a coach (we only offer professional development for practiced coaches). As the accrediting body for coach-specific education and accredited providers, we cannot recommend any specific coaching education organizations.

To ensure quality education, ICF accredits coaching education organizations that meet the high standards set forth by ICF and ICF Coaching Education. To find ICF-Accredited Providers we suggest that you use our Education Search Service (ESS) below. The search for a coach education program is a highly individual process that depends greatly on your personal preferences and goals. The ESS is designed to give you basic information about all ICF-Accredited Education Providers.


For further information, please contact this training organization rather than the ICF office. The ICF recommends all approved programs equally and cannot recommend one program over another.

Organization Name: IntelliCoach
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Program Name: IntelliCoach Pro
Program Type: Level 1
Program Hours: 68.00
Organization Description: At IntelliCoach, our vision is to create a world where every professional knows how to use world-class coaching skills in their crucial work conversations. We give formal and informal people leaders and HR professionals a magical toolkit to increase individual, team, and organizational performance and growth.
Program Description:

At IntelliCoach, we envision a future where formal and informal leaders know how to help others perform and grow using professional-level coaching skills.
The IntelliCoach PRO program is our way to deliver towards that vision.
It is a professional-level coaching skills development program, specifically designed for anyone who delivers their impact through conversations and influencing without authority.

It is a one-stop package for leaders to add professional-level coaching skills to their leader toolkit. We support leaders in acquiring their ICF-ACC credential within 6-12 months.

The program is custom-tailored for leaders who:
  • Know they step in way too often and are spending way too much time firefighting and fixing problems on behalf of others
  • Are constantly lacking time for higher-level thinking, for strategy and long-term planning
  • Feel that they have the same conversations again and again with their team members and peers
  • Are frustrated with unclear expectations, repeated misunderstandings and conversations that end up in fight, flight, or freeze

Leaders will learn two things very well in the program:

  1. Run great coaching conversations: They understand the nature of coaching and become fluent in applying the coaching core competencies in powerful ways.
  2. Use coaching skills in conversations: They become comfortable using professional-level coaching techniques to level up their day-to-day communication with their stakeholders: team members, peers, customers, suppliers, even their own managers.

As a result of the program, leaders can expect to:

  • Save time in interactions with others through more focus and accurate understanding.
  • Have acquired the skill to help others perform and grow with a powerful coaching approach and toolkit
  • Know how to access the full potential of their team members and support them in a situational, more coach-like way
  • Learn to erase harmful/unhelpful judgment from their language and deliver neutral feedback
  • Stand out from peers through their professional-degree listening and inquiry skills
  • Become sharp and concise communicators, thereby building their own executive presence
  • Grow a potential new career avenue in the area of executive or leadership coaching
  • Get all the support they need to acquire their own ICF-ACC credential within 12 months.

What makes the IntelliCoach PRO Program different?

  • It is designed for the reality of current and aspiring people leaders
  • It is flexibly designed for immediate applicability and to be highly practical.
  • It is time-contained: we know how busy leaders are and ensured that the total mandatory weekly commitment for the course does not exceed 2.5h
  • It is run by experienced professional-level PCC coaches with combined decades of experience helping hundreds of leaders improve their own skills in coaching.

What is the main structure of the program?

The IntelliCoach PRO Program consists of two steps:

  • The IntelliCoach CORE course that covers 30h of foundation core training. While IntelliCoach CORE can be completed on its own, it does not qualify participants for an ICF L1 certificate.
  • The IntelliCoach PRO course that delivers 28h of professional-level training. Upon successful completion of IntelliCoach Core AND Pro, participants are eligible to receive and ICF L1 certificate that they can use to apply with ICF for an ICF ACC credential.

The course will challenge leaders in many ways to expand their comfort zone around the way they communicate. At the end of the course, leaders will not just have an expanded toolkit, but also a grown mindset.

Please approach us any time at

Organization: IntelliCoach
82 Ubi Avenue 4, #07-04
Edward Boustead Centre
408832 Singapore
Phone: +6597286080
Student Contact: Mr. Maik Frank Schroeer
Phone: +6597286080
Learning Method: Virtual
Language: English
Coaching Specialties: Business/Organizations, Career/Transition, Executive, Internal, Leadership, Personal/Organizational, Relationship
Approval Start Date: June 28, 2021 Accreditation Renewal Date: July 31, 2027
Locations: Singapore