Education Search Service (ESS)
The International Coaching Federation (ICF) does not offer initial education and training to become a coach (we only offer professional development for practiced coaches). As the accrediting body for coach-specific education and accredited providers, we cannot recommend any specific coaching education organizations.
To ensure quality education, ICF accredits coaching education organizations that meet the high standards set forth by ICF and ICF Coaching Education. To find ICF-Accredited Providers we suggest that you use our Education Search Service (ESS) below. The search for a coach education program is a highly individual process that depends greatly on your personal preferences and goals. The ESS is designed to give you basic information about all ICF-Accredited Education Providers.
For further information, please contact this training organization rather than
the ICF office. The ICF recommends all approved programs equally and cannot
recommend one program over another.
Organization Name: |
SolutionsAcademy -- Speaking! GmbH |
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Program Name: |
Coaching Fundamentals (Italiano) |
Program Type: |
Level 1 |
Program Hours: |
102.00 |
Description: |
SolutionsAcademy has been running coach training since 2001 and our programs were accredited as ACTP by the ICF in 2015, as Level 1, 2 and 3 in 2022. In the meantime, we have trained over 1500 coaches in 33 countries and offer courses in multiple languages such as English, German, Italian, Romanian, Polish, Spanish, Turkish, Czech, Chinese.
Staying true to our commitment to the highest quality and “one-stop-shop” all our programs are also accredited with EMCC (European Mentoring and Coaching Council) and IASTI (International Alliance of Solution Focused Training Institutes), so that at the end of any of our programs, participants can receive a triple accreditation.
We are pioneers of participative, engaging virtual education, “virtual gurus”. Our first live online Coach Training ran in 2005, when nobody even thought it was even possible. We are collaborating with large organizations to develop their people in their coaching skills by delivering our outstanding, fun, engaging, global community building programs.
Our programs provide innovative online training with a focus on building real relationships. The classes are small (maximum 12 people), and we make frequent use of breakout rooms and other easy-to-use technology to generate interactive learning. While our content is cutting-edge and at the forefront of coaching science, our approach is practical, hands-on. We are firm believers in adult learning using a coaching approach to teach and offer many ways to engage with the program: coaching practice, a modern learning platform with coaching videos, readings and discussion forums, peer-group practice, etc. We support our participants to gain client coaching experience by offering opportunities for reciprocal coaching across all of our graduates and by actively seeking cooperations with organizations for pro-bono coaching.
All our trainers are all accredited at least as PCC and most of them are on their way to MCC. On top of that, they hold an EMCC accreditation. They have extensive experience as online coach trainers, must meet stringent requirements to work with us and keep up with the development in coaching standards from both ICF and EMCC.
Our coaching approach, Solution Focus, is positive, target oriented and leads away from analysis paralysis into exploring what clients truly wants in their lives. Solution Focused principles are not only applicable in coaching but useful for most business and private conversations. Solution Focused conversations are an evidence-based practice for creating sustainable solutions for clients. What we do is scientifically sound and far away from the ever-changing market driven hypes in HR development.
In our courses, you develop into a professional coach: you will learn the ins and outs of coaching and how to integrate coaching into your business and life. Our graduates receive the chance to join our Business Development Mastermind at a highly discounted rate so that you can learn to market and sell your services.
We are dedicated to creating an environment where our students can explore and thrive. Sharing the joy of learning to coach in a global community of peers, challenging and supporting each other is our mission. |
Program Description: |
Se amate le grandi conversazioni e vi piace molto quando le persone si rivolgono a voi per discutere, allora siete dei coach naturali! Forse praticate già il coaching nella vostra azienda o nel vostro studio privato. Può anche darsi che siate dei principianti. Forse lavorate nel settore delle risorse umane o come Agile Coach e state cercando di sviluppare le vostre capacità relazionali per professionalizzare il vostro coaching. Oppure siete un leader e vorreste dare maggiore struttura alle grandi conversazioni che avete ogni giorno. Vorreste sentirvi più sicuri e professionali nelle vostre conversazioni (di coaching) e avere la sensazione di sapere cosa state facendo. Coaching Fundamentals insegna il "Solution Focused Coaching", un approccio facile da usare e da applicare, ma strutturato, professionale e basato sull'evidenza. Avrete la certezza che il vostro coaching ha basi solide. I vostri clienti avranno la certezza che siete un coach professionista: Coaching Fundamentals vi offre tutte le ore di coaching e mentoring per ottenere la certificazione ICF ACC e EMCC - l'unico corso sul mercato che conosciamo che vi offre entrambe le cose in un unico corso. - Offre tutte le ore di formazione e tutoraggio necessarie per ottenere la credenziale ACC nell'ambito del percorso ACSTH / Livello 1. - Il corso dura 24 settimane, 2 ore a settimana, ed è esclusivamente online, quindi molto gestibile. I corsi iniziano 5-6 volte all'anno, in diverse ore del giorno e giorni della settimana, in diverse lingue, quindi ci sarà sicuramente un corso che si adatta ai vostri impegni. - È disponibile molto materiale aggiuntivo per il vostro apprendimento e potrete mettere in pratica ciò che avete imparato anche in gruppi di pari. - I nostri diplomati hanno la possibilità di entrare a far parte del nostro Business Development Mastermind a una tariffa altamente scontata, in modo da poter imparare a commercializzare e vendere i propri servizi dai professionisti. Inoltre, vi è un supporto continuo grazie ai nostri incontri regolari in cui potete chiedere qualsiasi cosa vi venga in mente nella vostra attività. Questi incontri sono completamente gratuiti, quindi se volete provare a conoscerci, partecipate a uno dei prossimi. - Inoltre, subito dopo il corso riceverete un bel badge "SolutionsAcademy Certified Coach" per la vostra presenza sui social media! Non c'è bisogno di aspettare a condividere la gioia fino a dopo la credenziale ICF o l'accreditamento EMCC. Contenuto del corso: Modulo 1: Coaching focalizzato sulle soluzioni: strutture, "strumenti" e "tecniche" di coaching, mentalità focalizzata sulle soluzioni. Modulo 2: competenze fondamentali ICF e EMCC, etica nella pratica Modulo 3: pratica, pratica, pratica con un feedback dettagliato. Durante e dopo il corso: 3 sessioni individuali di mentor coaching in cui discutiamo una delle vostre registrazioni di coaching con una trascrizione che produciamo. Riceverete un feedback dettagliato sullo sviluppo che celebrerà il vostro splendore come coach! È possibile pagare a rate. |
Organization: |
SolutionsAcademy -- Speaking! GmbH Schaberweg 23 61348 Bad Homburg Hessen GERMANY chris@solutionsacademy.com http://www.solutionsacademy.com/products/coach-training/ http://www.solutionsacademy.com/it Phone: +496172684905
Student Contact: |
Carlos Perfetto Carlo@solutionsacademy.com
Learning Method: |
Virtual,Combination,In-Person |
Language: |
Italian |
Specialties: |
Business/Organizations, Career/Transition, Internal, Leadership, Personal/Organizational, Small Business |
Approval Start Date: |
December 9, 2015 |
Accreditation Renewal Date: |
July 31, 2026 |
Locations: |
Albania Australia Belgium Canada Croatia Italy Italy Malta Monaco San Marino Switzerland United States |
Alabama Alaska Alberta Arizona Arkansas Australian Capital Territory British Columbia California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Manitoba Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Brunswick New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New South Wales New York Newfoundland and Labrador North Carolina North Dakota Northern Territory Northwest Territories Nova Scotia Nunavut Ohio Oklahoma Ontario Oregon Pennsylvania Prince Edward Island Quebec Queensland Rhode Island Saskatchewan South Australian Central South Australian Central South Carolina South Dakota Tasmania Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Victoria Virginia Washington West Virginia Western Au |