Education Search Service (ESS)

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) does not offer initial education and training to become a coach (we only offer professional development for practiced coaches). As the accrediting body for coach-specific education and accredited providers, we cannot recommend any specific coaching education organizations.

To ensure quality education, ICF accredits coaching education organizations that meet the high standards set forth by ICF and ICF Coaching Education. To find ICF-Accredited Providers we suggest that you use our Education Search Service (ESS) below. The search for a coach education program is a highly individual process that depends greatly on your personal preferences and goals. The ESS is designed to give you basic information about all ICF-Accredited Education Providers.


For further information, please contact this training organization rather than the ICF office. The ICF recommends all approved programs equally and cannot recommend one program over another.

Organization Name: ICTF - Idee Che TrasFormano
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Program Name: Master in Coaching Evolutivo
Program Type: Level 2
Program Hours: 202.00
Organization Description: ICTF is an international player in research and application of coaching, training and assesment in the workplace, focused in enhancing the skills and potential present in each person.
It has the target do develop evolutionary intelligence in the world and to spread coaching skills benefit of all
Program Description: Our Master is a course aimed at learning the coaching skills to start the profession of  Coach , and to integrare the coaching skills in the professional field.
The Master is set up as a “LABORATORY” in which evolutionary coaching is first and foremost experimented on oneself (by undertaking a path of development of one's own self-awareness and Potential), and at the same time is set up as “GYM” in which the professional coaching skills are trained through continous supervision and individual feedback.
The modality of the Master is extremely innovative and foresees the distance attendance in video-conference, combined with some meeting in presence.
The training can be used in different contexts of both life coaching and company or executive coaching
Organization: ICTF - Idee Che TrasFormano
via Giacinto Bruzzesi 5
00100 Rome
Phone: 0039-06-58301696
Student Contact:
Phone: 0039-3382133091
Learning Method: Virtual
Language: Italian
Coaching Specialties: Business/Organizations, Creativity, Leadership, Life Vision & Enhancement, Personal/Organizational, Relationship, Spirituality
Approval Start Date: July 31, 2018 Accreditation Renewal Date: January 31, 2025
Locations: Italy