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The International Coaching Federation (ICF) does not offer initial education and training to become a coach (we only offer professional development for practiced coaches). As the accrediting body for coach-specific education and accredited providers, we cannot recommend any specific coaching education organizations.

To ensure quality education, ICF accredits coaching education organizations that meet the high standards set forth by ICF and ICF Coaching Education. To find ICF-Accredited Providers we suggest that you use our Education Search Service (ESS) below. The search for a coach education program is a highly individual process that depends greatly on your personal preferences and goals. The ESS is designed to give you basic information about all ICF-Accredited Education Providers.


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Organization Name: John Mattone-Global, Inc.
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Program Name: The Intelligent Leadership Core Purpose Statement Certification Program
Program Type: CCE
Program Hours: Core: 10 Resource Development: 0 Total: 10
Organization Description:
John Mattone is a best-selling author, the world’s #1 authority on Intelligent Leadership and one of the world’s most in-demand CEO coaches & leadership speakers. Since 2017, he has been ranked by as one of the top three coaching authorities in the world alongside Tony Robbins and Marshall Goldsmith. John was a finalist for the prestigious 2017 Thinkers50 Leadership Award recognizing the world’s top leadership authority and thinker. In 2013, John was awarded the Master Corporate Executive Coach (MCEC) certification from the Association of Corporate Executive Coaches. He was then honored with the prestigious 2015 International Executive Coach Thought Leader of Distinction Award. With the award, he received an honorary lifetime MCEC, becoming one of only four global executive coaches who currently hold this certification.
John Mattone is the creator and master of the unique & game-changing Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaching blueprint for success - accredited by the International Coach Federation. John Mattone is the former executive coach to the late Steve Jobs and the former legendary CEO of PepsiCo, Roger Enrico.
Since 2011, John has been recognized by, Thinkers50, Forbes, CNN, LeadersExcellence, and many others as one of the top leadership & executive coach authorities. He also serves on the executive MBA faculty at FAU. John has a B.S. Degree in Management & Organizational Behavior from Babson College and a M.S. Degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from UCF.
John is the author of nine books, including three best-sellers: Talent Leadership, Intelligent Leadership and Cultural Transformations. His next book, The Intelligent Leader, will be published in the Fall of 2019 by Wiley.
Always wanting to help others and give back, John has created an annual scholarship, the John Mattone Always wanting to help others and give back, John has created an annual scholarship, the John Mattone Endowed Graduate Scholarship Fund for Executive Coaching and Leadership at the University of Central Florida (UCF).
Program Description: The foundation for great leaders to unlock and unleash their executive potential consists having a very clear mental picture of their leadership capability (their ‘can-do’), commitment (their ’will-do’), and connectedness (their ‘must-do’). Leaders must create and model their own unique blueprint not only for their success but also for driving both team and organizational success. All great leaders need to know exactly what that picture looks like for themselves in their particular organizations. Their Core Purpose Statement is what creates their picture.
In his international best-seller, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, author Dr. Stephen R. Covey, focused on the power of our inner core and how the strength and vibrancy of our inner core determines everything. Covey wrote about the habit Begin with the End in Mind. That’s what our core purpose is. When individuals reflect deeply on their core purpose, vision, and the essence of the person and leader they must become, they force themselves to ‘go inside’ to meet their inner core and hone in on their values, beliefs, and gifts. These are the elements that ignite them to true greatness.
Our actions, behaviors, and successes, are tied to our inner core and what we value. The exercise of reflecting insightfully and then writing (and most importantly believing in and living) our core purpose, our philosophy, our creed, is perhaps one of the greatest exercises we can do help facilitate success in business and in life. Understanding the importance of our Core Purpose Statement (CPS), including how to create one that is unique and specific to the leader, how to integrate it into their leadership development, and how they can model it for leadership success, are the reasons for the John Mattone Intelligent Leadership (IL) Core Purpose Statement Certification Program.
The John Mattone Intelligent Leadership (IL) Core Purpose Statement Certification Program is a one-day immersion into all aspects of the leader’s Core Purpose Statement (CPS). This program enables coaches to guide the leaders, who are their clients, to create unique and clear definitions of “the essence” of who they are and who they must become to be the self-aware and truly great leaders they are committed to being. One of the tenets of the John Mattone Intelligent Leadership coaching process is “Prescription before diagnosis is malpractice”. The IL diagnosis is the result of the leader taking the Intelligent Leadership proprietary assessments including the inner-core assessment (the Mattone Leadership Enneagram Inventory), and the outer-core assessment (the Strategic Tactical Leadership Index-360). The outcome of these reinforces the connections between the leader’s thoughts, emotions, behavior and results, creating the inflection point that becomes their unique prescription - the input to the leader’s Core Purpose Statement. Their unique CPS clarifies the qualities they want and must develop, defines what they want and must accomplish, and identifies what contributions they want and must make to drive the success they are committed to.
Organization: John Mattone-Global, Inc.
4240 Messina Dr
Lake Mary, FL 32746
Phone: 321.279.4416
Student Contact: John Mattone
Phone: +1 321-279-4416
Learning Method: Virtual,Combination
Language: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish
Coaching Specialties: Business/Organizations, Coaching Other Coaches, Executive, Leadership
Approval Start Date: June 1, 2018 Accreditation Renewal Date: May 31, 2025