Education Search Service (ESS)

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) does not offer initial education and training to become a coach (we only offer professional development for practiced coaches). As the accrediting body for coach-specific education and accredited providers, we cannot recommend any specific coaching education organizations.

To ensure quality education, ICF accredits coaching education organizations that meet the high standards set forth by ICF and ICF Coaching Education. To find ICF-Accredited Providers we suggest that you use our Education Search Service (ESS) below. The search for a coach education program is a highly individual process that depends greatly on your personal preferences and goals. The ESS is designed to give you basic information about all ICF-Accredited Education Providers.


For further information, please contact this training organization rather than the ICF office. The ICF recommends all approved programs equally and cannot recommend one program over another.

Organization Name: Success Unlimited Network®
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Program Name: SUN Coach Training and Certification Program
Program Type: Level 2
Program Hours: 125.00
Organization Description:
MISSION: SUN is a global network of Coaches, Coach Educators, Coach Mentors, Coach Supervisors and Coach Leaders who inspire purposeful being for the evolution of humanity.
VISION: We are Emissaries of Purposeful Being.
BELIEFS: We believe purposefulness accelerates evolution. We believe every person has a purpose and unlimited potential, and by living on purpose we empower potential.
1. The SUN Coach Education program has its roots in 1980 in England, brought to the US in 1987.
2. Our coaching is holistic and based on models from Business Management, Learning Theories, and Sports Coaching.
3. Our approach to coaching is revealed in Tim Gallwey’s books about the The Inner Game (Tennis, Golf, Work....). In his series, Mr. Gallwey’s focuses on what happens in the space between hits. It is the focus on “between the meeting approach” where practice and learning from applying and ethics takes place.
4. SUN also works with principles from the fields of Integrated Learning, NLP, Neuroscience and Ancient Wisdom, principles and philosophies.
The SUN program, imported from the UK, has been successfully in business with SUN Trainers/ Educators in leadership roles, evolving the profession for almost the past 40 years.
1. We have trained already on 5 continents and 55 countries. We love diversity and learning about cultures around the world. Many of our trainers are bilingual (Spanish, Italian, English and Hebrew). Most of our Team of Trainers have been with SUN for decades. Almost all are credentialed, many with MCCs.
2. Our Founder and Director is the world’s first MCC (ICF Master certified coach).
3. In addition to training competencies, we also offer a unique combination of structure, methodology, and process.
4. We begin every meeting with students, clients, trainers, and those whom we mentor and supervise, by uncovering Life Purpose as the foundation for all decisions and paths people seek.
5. In addition to the educational network of coaching programs, we have a global community of SUN coaches who can choose to attend our annual 4-5 days learning retreat with teaching practice and collaboration.
6. Learning ethics and competencies is not enough. We also want you to be coaching in the field so we have dedicated time on how to launch your coaching business. It includes your personalized business plan, scores of marketing tips and video demonstrations.
7. 50+ recorded archival presentations and new ones added monthly
We prefer to train people who are aware of being on a spiritual journey.
Our stellar reputation is based on being responsive, authentic, and respectful.
Surf our SUNny website and let us know if you wish to have an Exploratory meeting – no fee, no pressure. We trust you to make the right choices for you.
Program Description: 100 hours in person, phone and/or distance learning PLUS learning opportunities including monthly tele-learning classes facilitated by different SUN Trainers, monthly 2-hour skills practices with other credentialed, certified and student coaches, buddy practices and an annual 4-5 day education retreat in a coaching learning community.  All of these give you credit.
25 hours customized training in topics of your choice such as: team coaching, mindfulness, marketing your business, life purpose/mission statement for couples, business partners, families, applications in business, start-up companies, career transition, Executive and Corporate Coaching, Aging Coaching, Secrets of Clarity.
100 hours in person and/or distance learning PLUS learning opportunities including monthly tele-learning classes, group skills practices, buddy practices and an annual 4-5 day education retreat in a coaching learning community.  All of these give credit.
Our individualized / small group format appeals to people who want flexibility so meetings are scheduled to meet your time demands and life balance.
Our Coaches-in-Training have:
1.     the ability to be in the question and acknowledge that clients have their own answers,
2.     a commitment to personal growth and discovery as evidenced by a minimum of 5 years participation in personal/professional continuing education and development programs,
3.     a track record of being in the process of obtaining desired results and well-being,
4.     work experience for a minimum of three years,
5.     agreed to create the time and energy to fully participate in the program
6.     agreed to be responsible for finding clients using the training provided
Organization: Success Unlimited Network®
17 Lindsey Street
Marblehead, MA 01945-3235
Phone: 703.402.8762
Student Contact: Ms. Teri-E Belf, MCC, MA, CAGS
Phone: +1 703-402-8762
Learning Method: Virtual,Combination,In-Person
Language: English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Spanish
Coaching Specialties: Business/Organizations, Career/Transition, Executive, Life Vision & Enhancement, Personal/Organizational, Small Business, Spirituality
Approval Start Date: June 24, 2000 Accreditation Renewal Date: July 31, 2026
Locations: Antigua
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
South Africa
United Kingdom
United States