Education Search Service (ESS)

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) does not offer initial education and training to become a coach (we only offer professional development for practiced coaches). As the accrediting body for coach-specific education and accredited providers, we cannot recommend any specific coaching education organizations.

To ensure quality education, ICF accredits coaching education organizations that meet the high standards set forth by ICF and ICF Coaching Education. To find ICF-Accredited Providers we suggest that you use our Education Search Service (ESS) below. The search for a coach education program is a highly individual process that depends greatly on your personal preferences and goals. The ESS is designed to give you basic information about all ICF-Accredited Education Providers.


For further information, please contact this training organization rather than the ICF office. The ICF recommends all approved programs equally and cannot recommend one program over another.

Organization Name: Coaching Centre “Style of Life Academy”
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Program Name: Value-oriented coaching. Leadership in a changing world.
Program Type: Level 2
Program Hours: 134.00
Organization Description: The International Coaching Center SLAcademy founded by Svetlana Landa,
executive coach, mentor, MCC, one of the TOP experts in Russia for well-being,
mindfulness meditation and leadership development.
Our team of coaches - experts in the field of Life Work Balance © and Executive
The necessary condition for the coach to work at the SLAcademy is personal
successful experience in several areas, high professionalism, love for people
and constant development. Our Instructors, Mentors, Supervisors are ICF
Accredited Coaches on MCC and PCC level complying to the ICF Code of
We provide coaching services at ICF ethics and standard, in the areas of
individual, team and organization needs. Our services (coaching,
mentor coaching, supervision) are delivered in one-to-one relationships or group format.
Important focus is to train competent and successful coaches. With small
classes, each student is able to practice, receive extensive feedback on their
coaching, and develop their skills and personal style.
Our training programs teaches you to:
- Provide life, transition, purpose, mindfulness, life balance coaching
- Utilize techniques to help clients create a happy and fulfilled life
- Discover your client's true motivations for making permanent changes
- Help people discover and apply their purpose at work and at home
- Use the best processes to overcome blocks and obstacles to success
- Demonstrate the value of coaching
- Apply the tools to individual sessions, groups, and workshops
- Learn how to help clients redesign their life, career or lifestyle
We train you from a whole person perspective – Body, Mind, and Spirit, provides
students and coaches with training, integration and prosperity from within, for the
benefit of all living beings
Program Description:
Experiencing a crisis, discovering inner resources and becoming more holistic is an important part of the journey in the life of every successful person.
At any age, we can meet and connect with our depth, attentiveness and skill, collect the valuable fruits of our experience, give ourselves and those around us more peace and balance, a sense of support, core, and at the same time continue our movement and development.
When we go beyond self-concepts, our complexes and our "I", when we shift our focus to a higher goal or purpose of our life, then this automatically reduces our feeling of anxiety. We start to cooperate better, to create something wonderful together. This is where value-based coaching is working to create this switching capability.
The course is aimed at an in-depth study of leadership communication tools: listening at several levels, the emotional and deep meaning of words, working with resource states, verbal and non-verbal communication tools.
Students explore how to use more than 100 coaching tools: working with metaphors and analogies, logical levels of experience, mastery strategies, etc.
They will begin to use their intuition and analysis of the interlocutor's speech more actively in order to create awareness, share observations that have the potential to create insight and go beyond the current way of thinking.
Explor the philosophy of coaching and leadership through the ICF competency model. Students will learn about implementing a coaching culture in an organization:
How competencies need to be developed by a coach and a leader, how it affects business results;
Get an understanding of how each ICF competency fits into the organization's leadership model;
What are the goals, main tasks, meanings and criteria of measurability of the implementation of each competence in the coach's practice, the culture of the company and the system.
Organization: Coaching Centre “Style of Life Academy”
1425 Jose Hernandez
1426 Buenos Aires
Phone: +79255890271
Student Contact: Tatiana Demina
Phone: +79255890271
Learning Method: Virtual
Language: English, Russian
Coaching Specialties: Business/Organizations, Coaching Other Coaches, Executive, Leadership, Life Vision & Enhancement, Personal/Organizational, Relationship
Approval Start Date: April 11, 2021 Accreditation Renewal Date: July 31, 2027
Locations: Russia